Nume: Cute.little_cat
Varsta: 25
Localitate: -
Membru din: acum 12 ani si 40 zile
Nota medie: 10

I LIKE....

music---kpop / jpop / jrock
 movie genre--- from (k,j)drama, comedy to HORROR

i like the style of emos, scene kids not so much. HATE  hearing someone talking bad about asians, you cannot talk bad about them near me!

food---don\'t have something special.

i like ANIME and MANGA , i\'m watching since 6 years old,and reading manga since 11 years old, fashion, music currently the seventh year at piano and the second at vocal(classic) .

languages. well english... german the third year, japanese the second year, russian the third year,plan on learning korean.^^

qualities--- i\'ve studied all my life and now im still studying so when i have a break i enjoy it to the last second.

i\'m a good friend, i like to talk, i lke to have fun, while reading i may seem a boring person but i\'m  the opposite.

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