Nume: Lpsgirlsteam
Varsta: 13
Localitate: -
Membru din: acum 12 ani si 186 zile
Nota medie: 0

hi!! i can speak english and romanian fluently, but of course, i love english. I\'m romanian gurl, but i have english parents and at home we speak english. hope u like my lovely LPS pictures cuz\' i work really hard to done them:)) i have account on youtube named lpsgirlsteam!! visit it!! please not bad coments to my pics or videos from yt. i gues that\'s it!! sorry english language!! i\'m tooooo lazy to search on translate in romanian all i write... sorry!! maibe u r nice to translate my text and see i\'m nice with all of you!! bye!!

P.S.! i haven\'t inspiration!! simple text!!

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