Yumi was here
Nume: Yumi was here~~
Varsta: 94
Localitate: Somewhere you\'ll NEVER know
Membru din: acum 13 ani si 77 zile
Nota medie: 0

 Konnichiwa~! My name is Yumi . I love Nippon ... j-rock music , oshare and visual kei . Me and my friends made the first j-rock band from Romania . ( we need a name , so, if you have some ideas , tell us~!!! ) . Me and my sister made a group of friends named StarShower . We are a group of friends who have fun togheter~!! Soon you\'ll can see us on Youtube ^^ ( hope ~!!! ) . Hope you\'ll like my draws and .. if you want to be friends , just tell me~!!! =^__^= Nyappy~~~~

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