Nume: ~sam~
Varsta: 28
Localitate: -
Membru din: acum 13 ani si 357 zile
Nota medie: 9.99481

Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence and leave me with my sins
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again

So if you love me let me go
And run away before I know
My heart is just too dark to care
I cant destroy what isnt there

Deliver me into my fate
If Im alone I cannot hate
I dont deserve to have you
Ooh, my smile was taken long ago
If I can change I hope I never know

I still press your letters to my lips
And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss
I couldnt face a life without your lights

Snuff - Slipknot

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