Nume: Susake
Varsta: 27
Localitate: PaNpAn
Membru din: acum 14 ani si 38 zile
Nota medie: 9.92084

welcome.gif welcome image by apple_pie0815

As you can see,this is my profile.Duh.

My name is Susake.

Im 13.

I like: Bunnyes,Kittyes,Cookies,Cupcakes,Chibis,Pon and Zi.

I dont like: Onions,Mean people,Niggas,Rappers

Fave Songs: You belong with me,Love story :)

bunnybowl.gif helado Kawaii image by anna_y_eder

My idol? Queen Of Dorks.Why? She makes the cutest dolls ever!

Bunny_Love.jpg Queen Of Dorks! image by Shaylee_Uzumaki_chan

Im sorry if I bore you,but I think youre smart enough to click the [X] button if you dont want to read this.

I hate when you guys beg for votes.If the drawing is nice,you get votes.If not,fuck off.

CuteBunny.gif cute bunny image by Maomao7Can you please leave comments? I need them to vote.Thanks for your help.

I think I annoyed you enough.You can now go and see my shit drawings :)

quotes-quotes-cute-1501.jpg bye bye na baby qoh image by tamxxyiieee

Scrie email-ul si parola. Daca nu ai un cont il poti crea aici.
Se poate desena si fara sa ai cont dar nu vei avea posibilitatea sa adaugi comentarii la desene.
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senbonzakura kageyoshi
Utilizator: senbonzakura kageyoshi acum 12 ani si 138 zile

superba schita:x

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Utilizator: memory. acum 12 ani si 139 zile

soooo true :O :))

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Utilizator: kaoru-maya96 acum 12 ani si 158 zile

*o* waaa adorabilaaa ~ <3

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zuper OwO

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Sinistru :))

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Utilizator: Sunshine.. acum 12 ani si 342 zile

Uau! ce desen splendid :x

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