Nume: Rywtsaky
Varsta: 32
Localitate: Yokohama
Membru din: acum 14 ani si 171 zile
Nota medie: 10

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Love is something powerful,if you don\'t know haw it is try it,but be careful,sometimes you can make mistakes,just  look in his/her eyes and you will see if he/she loves you in real,it is hard to find the true love,yeah,i think you already know that,but the answer we must find it each of us,so...wanna  try?anyway i will invite you to dance around this draws with me,until you find the true love.From now on let\'s try to smile even outside it\'s rain,let\'s be happy,even our love it is with someone else,let\'s be better than that,lets change the world,we can do it,i\'m sure we do!together like always we can create a new world,like we want,we really need a new world,right?everybody need it,no?so let\'s get to work!love ya wall,take care,and we meet soon with new draws!!^^

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