Nume: Wild\'sKiddzy
Varsta: 30
Localitate: Calarasi.
Membru din: acum 15 ani si 25 zile
Nota medie: 9.98994


Deci..cum am promis... am sa fiu mai serioasa...

La inceput , am sa ma prezint :


Name : Oanna
Nick Name : Kiddzy
Birthdate : 2 iunie
Birthplace : la spital
Current Location : pe scaun?
Eye Color : caprui
Hair Color : saten cu suvitze:X ador suvitele:D
Height : 1,68
Piercings : nu
Tatoos : nici



Food : fast food
Candy :acadelele shi jeleurile
Number : doi
Color : albastru , 
Perfume : multe
Actor/Actress : Ed Westwick , Sterling Knight , Ian Somehader:D
This or That
Pepsi or Coke : pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing : Mc
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate : Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee : Hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug :Hugg
Dog or Cat : cat
Rap or Punk : punk
Summer or Winter : winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies : ambele
Love or Money : Love



First Thought Waking Up : inca 5 minute  sau...de ce eu///
Longest relationship : 6 luni:))


Favorite eye color : albastrii
Favorite hair color : Blond:X
Short or Long hair : scurt la par , inalt in lungime:x
Style : hmm... genul acela care`ti acorda atentie:X
Looks or Personality : ambele
Hot or Cute : Cute
Muscular or Really Skinny : vedem atunci

How do you want to Die :de batranete:))
Get along with your Parents : nu
Ambition :maxim
Best Friends : Marry:X
Fears :  paienjeni, gandaci... mama:D
Do you think your Attractive : no way:))
Believe in Yourself : uneori
Want to go to College : da
Do you Smoke :sometimes
Do you Drink : uneori
Shower Daily : normal /:)
Been in Love : no
Do you Sing : doar cand sunt la dus ...sau la o melodie Paramore:D
Want to get Married : da
Do you want Children : da
Age you wanna lose your Virginity : momentul potrivit:))
Hate anyone : da...fostul meu profesor de engleza:))


sper ca asta a fost o prezentare despre mine:))

daca vreti , id meu este : pictez.visele

                                                                                                                                                                                                D.R.E.A.M.I.N.G., X.o.X.o , Kiddzy:)
