Nume: carola
Varsta: 30
Localitate: momentan is pe acoperis ma dau cu capu` de WC :))
Membru din: acum 15 ani si 118 zile
Nota medie: 9.97091
Sall nu am ce sa spun despre mn....inafara faptului k is un pic mai mult dusa cu pluta ....:)) I like to hang out with my crazy friends XD I hate junk music >>>manele<<< I love rock,punk,hard rock,goth,etc..... I hate the "fake" ppl.... I mean .... those who do not accept what they are.... I mean ... in brief i hate: all emo-manelarii .... that "super" emo and they are actually 100% coclari, all those who are connecting to my style of life ...they`re wishing to change...but i don`t care ...so fuck off....you haters :P Some ppl say that I'm so strange ...i don't know why :-?? .....so what...:| So what if I cry? I dont want to die. So what if I dress in a different style? There's no need to scream and run for a mile I am not depressed, Could it be that I am just like you? Could it be that I am happy with myself? It's just that I am not some pretty doll on the shelf. Could it be that the only reason i dye my hair black Is because I dont want to be some barbie in a bimbo girl pack. These are the reasons, and I'll tell you why, that I dont look in the mirror and start to cry. I know Im not perfect, I'm sure you will agree But I am so very positive, as positive as can be That Im not like you, Oh dont make me laugh! I dont spend hours on my make-up's mask I'm totally self-confident, Ill smile for all to see. because.... Is that I am happy, with just being me. Dont be afraid of who you are. ok...deci....dak vreti sa ma vedeti >>>http://carolici.hi5.com<<< PS: intrati in albumul "Some of my drawings" dak vreti sa vedeti cateva desene facute pe foaie cu mana si creionu` :)))))=)):-" pf.......i forget ....if you wanna talk with me....my Y!M id is : fuk_off_00 kk now bye bye....

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