Nume: zizi_kid
Varsta: 18
Localitate: -
Membru din: acum 15 ani si 176 zile
Nota medie: 9.97702



  sora....soramea mai mareDSC05909.JPG - BunaSasukeSasuke.Eu sunt o fata timida .Imi place foarte mult sa desenz numai ca nu stiu dca am talent.Si eu nu cred ca am talent.Sper ca va plac si chir sa fim prieteni.Ok.Ai vazut cum arat,m-am descris si eu in cateva cuvinte si cam atat...acum vreau sa va rog sa ma votati si sa imi dati comentarii.idul meu de mess este..riki.cleo@yahoo.com.Ma uit si eu la H2o numai cand am chief si nu am ce face.E..cam atat.Sper sa vina Mos Craciun si la voi.Bay Bay!

 Unele dintre astea chiar imi plac...things i heart ~
..da pink cellie ..asta da..pink laptop asta da... music asta da...
make up bags shoesda.. sweets da... cookies da..da..
roses winter penguins awww ......???

Uite ceva despre Naruto..fetele naruto..daca sti Engleza...

Anime uses a different set of facial expressions in comparison to western animation.

Other stylistic elements are common as well; often in comedic anime, characters that are shocked or surprised will perform a "face fault", in which they display an extremely exaggerated expression. Angry characters may exhibit a "vein" or "stressmark" effect, where lines representing bulging veins will appear on their forehead. Angry women will sometimes summon a mallet from nowhere and strike someone with it, leading to the concept of Hammerspace and cartoon physics. Male characters will develop a bloody nose around their female love interests (typically to indicate arousal, based on an old wives' tale). Embarrassed characters either produce a massive sweat-drop (which has become one of the most widely recognized stereotype motifs of anime) or produce a visibly red blush beneath the eyes, especially as a manifestation of repressed romantic feelings. While common, the use of face faults is optional. Some anime, usually with political plots and other more serious subject matters, have abandoned the use of face faults such as Gundam Wing and Teknoman


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