Nume: Temari[:x][:*][:x]
Varsta: 30
Localitate: Departe:D
Membru din: acum 15 ani si 229 zile
Nota medie: 10

Poi.... ce pot sa spun sigur e k desenez mult mai bine pe hartie decat pe calculator:)) :D plache sa desnez.... sa jok basket.... sa pierd vremea pe mess..... sa ma dstrez..... sa stau ku prietenii:D.... sa ma distrez iarshi... sa pierd vremea[:x][:x][:x]

Mood       : Happy[:x][:X][:x]

Listening : Secondhand serenade - Broken (na na na) ^^

Reading  :  Eragon( kiar dak e a 2 a oara=)) )

Playing    :  Aruncatu` cu privirea

Eating    :  nothing... chewing gum

Drinking:  Ice tea

Right now I: Kill my little sis and .... and that`s all

I want   : Run in other city 

Current age: 14

Current residence: Home[:x][:*][:x]

Interests: sport...muahahahaaaa.... anime:x

Fav band:  A lot... but right now secondhand serenade

Fav skin colour:  Love chocolate skin[:x]....

Fav anime character: Tayuya from Naruto... Shuichi from Gravitation and L from Death Note, Inuyasha

Fav or personal Quote: `Win as a team and lose as a team` and `To learn to succed first, u must learn to fall` By Michael Jordan  and I love to say  Lol XD

Idol : Michael Jordan my fav basketball player

Bf    : Pitik and Ramo and Criss love u my girls

Fav team: My team [:x] Irinuko ashai? and Chicago Bulls [:x][:X][:x]

Hate: Fake people... fake 'friends'... spiders... make clean in my room:)).... my sis sometimes:D  XD 


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