Nume: Yoko
Varsta: 29
Localitate: Umm....Cherrys ^o^
Membru din: acum 15 ani si 253 zile
Nota medie: 9.91

                      Aww Cruel World :3

          Why Do You Hate Me So Much?!~

          Age: 14 OMFG! >.>

          Name: Antonia (Lmao makes me laugh) OwO

          Town: Tg. Mures ( BORING!!!! Don't ever come >3)

          Pet's: Hell ya! A pwetty dog named Jessie *faints* she soo cuteh <3

          Anime: hmm.. atm Fav is..lol!! Why the heck am i saying those things?!

          Hobbis (or whatever u spell XD): Drawing (omg did i needed to tell o.o), outgoing

                                                Comeputer games (yuh almost like a geek X3)

                                                Uhmm lol! (i'm saying this word every 5 words)


                                                                   Uhmm Only Happy Wishes!<3

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