Nume: Rhyaa Shaynee
Varsta: 28
Localitate: San Francisco, CA, USA
Membru din: acum 15 ani si 306 zile
Nota medie: 10

Well, my parents moved from Romania to the US, so, whatever.. I don`t know how to actually SPEAK romanian, but, I know some words and sentences. Doesn`t matter anyway.. <rofl>

Hope you likw my drawings, `cause they`re ugly anyway... I don`t have like what to do so... I`ll kinda` write my likes and dislikes...


- All-American Rejects


- Green day

- Paramore

- Aerosmith

- other rock bands?!

- Apple juice

- Dr. House

- Tyson Ritter

- Surfing

- Skating (with the skateboard) and snowboarding


- Justin Bieber!!

- Pinky Girly-Sweet-Stuff...

- Popular girls.. I don`t like them, they don`t like me.. what the heck?!

- Pimples!!

- Malls...

- Material persons

- Lying ones

- Boredom?!

Whatever... so you know pretty much `bout me...  Comment, please!! 

xoxo, Rhyaaa a.k.a. Rhiannon Shayne Popescu... :D (my friends call me Rhya or Shayne, rarely Rhiannon or Rhiannon Shayne) :D 

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Se poate desena si fara sa ai cont dar nu vei avea posibilitatea sa adaugi comentarii la desene.
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