Nume: Totzi pt. unu shi unu pt. totzi
Varsta: 30
Localitate: in spatele tau
Membru din: acum 15 ani si 305 zile
Nota medie: 9.94693



Anime-Demon.jpg light-kun image by ramenlover524

           -bUn vEnIt iN acest club......sper sa avem numai talentati........daca vreti parola bagati idul    lo_lor3na (sefa) ............vrem sa nu va plictisim cu desene fara rost ....urate.....vrem sa va lasam cu gura cascata...........................

l_4a8e96d74a8f05d2f2de1ac64542c262.jpg demonic angel anime image by Zakuro12



2.-my december(adminul)animedemon.jpg anime demon girl demoness image by CherryPuff42

3.-tekutokid50ea760eo5.jpg demonic informantioner armor image by litangel99

4.-kiara normal_37967a0d99ba0976d900651cd5f.jpg Demonic Girl image by kairi1474

5.-mew mew power dragutzaanime_girl_dark_warrior.jpg demonic anime girl image by nicele79

6.yellow angel normal_demonic.jpg she looks scary! image by writer245

7.-cautam__D_Gray_man___Loved_by_God_by_Char.jpg Demonic Anime image by Samara_Zeal

8.-cautam1145725238_iBatDemon3.jpg image by shihhoucaim

9.-cautamHorned.jpg Horned anime demon girl image by CherryPuff42

10.-iullia6a534330.jpg demon anime image by Misa_Amane23 

11.-cautam04.jpg Demon slayer image by Unaru_Okami

12.-cautamsTaR.jpg Demon spirit image by anime_freak1011

13.-cautamAsOne.jpg Dragon Demon Form image by Katana-Yuki

14.-cautamshadowhearts-1.jpg The Demon and the Angel [edited] image by XxKatsumixX

15.cautamnormal_20070306_393_devil_cute.jpg Black haired anime bat demon image by Samantha913

16.-cautam169682660img.jpg Anime Demon Girl image by Cookielicios

-nu modificati profil/parola......numai admini in sus au voie!.....doar cu acordu sefului/sefei...altfel u go bye bye :))
-sa va distrati :D asta chiar e o regula :))
-sa ne votati.....lol........................
-sa nu va suparati daca punem anumite desene la neterminate.........daca-s puse...mai trebuie lucrate!!.....nu continuati alte desene....tre sa aveti permisiunea aceluia  care a facut desenul.....!!

    Pentru mai multe detalii apelatzi la medicul farmacist sau la id-ul my_december9292 :D...eu voi fi aici :D muhahaha :))...

Hu-1.jpg Demon Blood image by Yaoimaster8000


Scrie email-ul si parola. Daca nu ai un cont il poti crea aici.
Se poate desena si fara sa ai cont dar nu vei avea posibilitatea sa adaugi comentarii la desene.
Ordoneaza dupa:
Utilizator: sakur@ acum 15 ani si 304 zile

ma inscriu
intra p mass t rog

Vezi desenul
Utilizator: sakur@ acum 15 ani si 304 zile

am zis k si eu ma inscriu

Vezi desenul
Utilizator: #DIaNa# acum 15 ani si 304 zile

sa mai intre si altii in club!!

Vezi desenul
Utilizator: Azula-chan acum 15 ani si 304 zile

pai eu as vrea da unde si cum?

Vezi desenul
Utilizator: Diana_Raluca acum 15 ani si 304 zile

eu vreau

Vezi desenul
Utilizator: dienutza_dienuta acum 15 ani si 304 zile

eu vreau

Vezi desenul
Utilizator: windmaster acum 15 ani si 303 zile

seamana bine

Vezi desenul
Utilizator: Zuby* acum 15 ani si 303 zile

wow super are culori asa vii iar desenu e asa de bine lucrat:X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X pls treci shi pe la mn la ultimul desen....ptc vreau macar asta s ajunga in top[[chiar daca nui aja reusit]]:D:D shi ma chinui sa strang voturi pana la 14:00 plsss ajutama...mc anticipat:X

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Poate Treci Si Pe La Mine Daca Vrei la ultimul desen
Ai Un Zece De La Mine

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.*Beaut iful*....*Beautiful*
..*Beautiful*.....*Beautiful *
..*Beautifu l* ...*Beautiful*
..*Bea utiful**Beautiful*
.. *Beautiful*...*Beautiful*
..*Beautiful*....*Beaut iful *
..*Beautiful*... . *Beautiful*
..*Beaut iful *..*Beautiful*

...... *Beautiful*.*Beautiful*
......*Beautiful*.*Beauti ful *
......*Be autiful*
......*Beautiful**Bea utiful *
. .....*Beautiful*
......*Bea utiful*
......*Bea utiful*.*Beautiful*

.................*Beautiful *
.... ... ...*Beautiful**Beautiful*
.........*Beautiful*.*B e autiful*
..... .. *Beautiful*.....*Beautiful*
......*Beautiful*.... . ..*Beautiful*
.....*Beautiful*.........*Beautiful *
...*Beau t if ul*.............*Beautiful*
..*Beautiful*........ . ......*Beautiful*
.*Beautiful*.................*B e autiful*
*Beautiful*...................*Beautiful *

.*Beaut i ful *.............*Beautiful*
.*Beautiful*........... . .*Beautiful*
.*Beautifu l*. ............*Beautiful*
.*Beautiful*............. * Beautiful*
.* Beautiful*.............*Beautiful*
.*Beautiful*.. . ..........*Beautiful*
.*Beautiful**Beautiful**Bea u tiful*
*Beaut if ul**Beautiful**Beautiful*
*Beautiful**Beautiful** B eautiful*

.. ... ......*Beautiful*
....... .. ..*Beautiful*
........... *B eautiful*
...........*Bea ut iful*
...........*Beautif ul *

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......... .... *Beautiful*.... .........
..... .. ......*Beautiful*.............
.............*Beau t iful*.............
.............*Beautiful*...... . ......
... .. ........*Beautiful*.............
.............*Be a utiful*.............
.............*Beautiful*.... . ........
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*Beautifu l*B eautiful*Beautiful*
*Beautiful*Beautiful*Beautifu l *
* Bea utiful*
*B eaut iful*Beautiful*
*Beautiful *B eautiful*
*Bea utiful*

.*Beautiful*.............* Bea utiful*
.*B ea utiful*.............*Beautiful*
.*Beautiful*..... . .......*Beautiful*
.*Beautiful*.............*Beau t iful*
.*Bea ut iful*.............*Beautiful*
.*Beautiful*....... . .....*Beautiful*
.*Beautiful*.............*Beauti f ul*
.*Beaut iful**Beautiful**Beautiful*
.*Beautiful**Beautifu l* * Beautiful*

..*Bea utif ul*
..*B eautiful*
..*Beauti ful *
..*Beautiful*Beau tif ul*Beautiful*
.. *Beautiful*Beautiful*Beautiful

________________. OOOO.______-.OOO. * . * .
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_______________ _.O.__________:X:X

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