LaGaylia - Dr.Frankenstein
Nume: LaGaylia Frazier pop star
Varsta: 18
Localitate: Bukurezty
Membru din: acum 16 ani si 95 zile
Nota medie: 8.61539
Since arriving in Sweden from Florida in 2001, LaGaylia Frazier has become one of the best-known faces on the Swedish music scene. She has competed twice in Melodifestivalen and is a stalwart of Robert Wells’ legendary Rhapsody in Rock concerts. The American soul diva’s voice was described by one journalist as a cross between Shirley Bassey and Tina Turner
.How would you have reacted if somebody had told you ten years ago that you would soon be big in Sweden?

Am I big in Sweden? I am not so sure about that, but I guess I would never really expect to be in Sweden period! I am not someone who projects vary far into the future in my head, so I don't really think so much about where I'll be in 10 years.

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