Nume: Taiyo
Varsta: 30
Localitate: -
Membru din: acum 13 ani si 350 zile
Nota medie: 9.98368

Hello! My name is Taiyo and i am 16  years old! I live in England and i love:

I. My sweet little kitten Yorokobi (he is a boy)

II. Animes, my favorite anime is InuYasha

III. Drawing, i love drawing.

IV. Singing, i like singing and people say i have a nice voice

V. I love animals, all animals are so kawaii (my favorite is the beautyfull and strong wolf) 

VI. Dancing, but i kind off suck at dancing... ^o^

VII. Reading

VIII. Listening to muzic (Pop, Rock, Rap, Hip-hop  etc.)

I hate:

I. Idiots....

II. Homework...

III. People who do not love animalsPoor little dog! TT.TT

IV. People who smoke, drink and take drugs

V. Pollution... I hate people who do not love nature

 VI. Things that are stuck in my head for long time


         Ja ne! (Good bye!)

                                 Good luck drawing!

                     Watashi wa anata ga watashi no kōun o inori masu!

                                     (I wish you my luck!)



Drawings thay i made (some, not even half) :

  Friends and me :D

Muzic realy saves my soul :D

Made when i was takeing a walk in the park

From a  book

This was for a friend...i stil have the photo :D

From Digital Angels

From Digital Angels :D

From Digital Angels

Hope you like them. BY*BY!






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