The Sound Boy
Nume: Jack
Varsta: 27
Localitate: Bucuresti
Membru din: acum 14 ani si 161 zile
Nota medie: 9.98249


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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 129 zile

ce tare

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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 129 zile


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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 129 zile


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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 129 zile


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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 129 zile


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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 131 zile

si mie nu imi da un biscuite?:D

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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 131 zile

ce dlaaguuut

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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 131 zile

:)) ms ptr com:))

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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 132 zile

am faqt 2 desene ptr conc tau:D

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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 132 zile

am av un cont Schiffer:D

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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 132 zile

il cheama sylvester:)

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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 132 zile

pot sa fac si din minte?:D

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The Sound Boy
Utilizator: The Sound Boy acum 14 ani si 132 zile

oh c'mon a si ms kk ma ajuti:D

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