YellowAngel :x`.
Nume: YellowAngel :x`.
Varsta: 27
Localitate: Suceava
Membru din: acum 15 ani si 305 zile
Nota medie: 9.80036



CuTiEPiE 6

♥ Nume: anDa | anÐuliiici ◕‿◕|  

All the thing I love : my family , my friends , twitter , yellow color ,football , FC. Barcelona , Bojan Krkic , Tumblr , Summer, Winter , play at guitar , to drawing , One Direction , to make pictures ,listen music ,Gregg Sulkin ,  Skittles `, etc


    ♥Zi de nastere : 6 . iunieCuTiEPiE    

♥Numar preferat : 6unnamed badge

♥Mancare preferata : spagheteePOPcorn!  



@ anDa


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Ordoneaza dupa:
YellowAngel :x`.
Utilizator: YellowAngel :x`. acum 13 ani si 44 zile

La multi ani `. :)

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YellowAngel :x`.
Utilizator: YellowAngel :x`. acum 15 ani si 273 zile

mss am muncit f mult la el

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YellowAngel :x`.
Utilizator: YellowAngel :x`. acum 15 ani si 270 zile

ma bucur ca va place

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YellowAngel :x`.
Utilizator: YellowAngel :x`. acum 15 ani si 268 zile

ce dragut bv 10

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YellowAngel :x`.
Utilizator: YellowAngel :x`. acum 15 ani si 261 zile

oao super vreau si eo in club

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YellowAngel :x`.
Utilizator: YellowAngel :x`. acum 15 ani si 247 zile

sper sa va placa

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