Nume: stelian001
Varsta: 25
Localitate: Aici,cu voi.Unde sa fiu?[pag.38 - utilizatori]
Membru din: acum 15 ani si 316 zile
Nota medie: 9.98027



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Utilizator: stelian001 acum 13 ani si 131 zile


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Utilizator: stelian001 acum 13 ani si 131 zile

de ce??

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Utilizator: stelian001 acum 13 ani si 131 zile

Cat de dragut e!!!

Smooth criminal(ROMANA)

El a intrat pe fereastra
A fost un sunet de crescendo
El a intrat in apartamentul ei
El a plecat
El a alergat pe sub masa
El a putut vedea ea nu a fost în măsură
Ea a alergat in dormitor
Ea a fost lovita de jos

Annie,esti bine?
Deci,Annie esti bine?
Esti bine,Annie?
Annie,esti bine?
Deci,Annie esti bine?
Esti bine ,Annie?
Annie,esti bine?
Deci,Annie esti bine?
Esti bine,Annie?
Annie esti bine?
Deci Annie esti bine,esti bine,.Annie?

Annie, esti bine?
Vrei sa ne zici ca esti bine?
E un semn pe fereastra
El te-a lovit - un crescendo Annie
El a venit in apartamentul tau
El a plecat
Cand tu alergai spre dormitor
Tu ai fost lovita de jos
A fost moartea ta

Annie,esti bine?
Deci,Annie esti bine?
Esti bine,Annie?
Annie,esti bine?
Deci,Annie esti bine?
Esti bine ,Annie?
Annie,esti bine?
Deci,Annie esti bine?
Annie esti bine?
Ai fost lovita de
Ai fost lovita de
Un criminal penal

Asa ca el a venit la fel
A fost duminica - o zi proastra
Gura la gura
Sunetul batai inimii,intimidatiile

Annie,esti bine?
Deci,Annie esti bine?
Esti bine,Annie?
Annie,esti bine?

Versuri Michael Jackson - Smooth criminal ( romana)
de pe
Deci,Annie esti bine?
Esti bine ,Annie?
Annie,esti bine?
Deci,Annie esti bine?
Esti bine,Annie?
Annie esti bine?
Deci Annie esti bine,esti bine,.Annie?

Annie, esti bine?
Vrei sa ne zici ca esti bine?
E un semn pe fereastra
El te-a lovit - un crescendo Annie
El a venit in apartamentul tau
El a plecat
Cand tu alergai spre dormitor
Tu ai fost lovita de jos
A fost moartea ta

Annie esti bine?
Deci Annie esti bine?
Esti bine,Annie?
Ai fost lovita de
Ai fost lovita de
Un criminal penal

Ok,Vreau ca toata lumea sa
Evacueze sala ,Acum!

Annie, esti bine?
Nu stiu
Vrei sa ne zici ca esti bine?
Nu stiu
E un semn pe fereastra
Nu stiu
El te-a lovit - un crescendo Annie
Nu stiu
El a venit in apartamentul tau
Nu stiu
El a plecat
Nu stiu draga
Cand tu alergai spre dormitor
Nu stiu
Tu ai fost lovita de jos
A fost moartea ta

Annie, esti bine?
Vrei sa ne zici ca esti bine?
E un semn pe fereastra
El te-a lovit - un crescendo Annie
El a venit in apartamentul tau
El a plecat
Cand tu alergai spre dormitor
Tu ai fost lovïta de jos
A fost moartea ta.

Smooth Criminal(Engleza)

As He Came Into The Window
It Was The Sound Of A
He Came Into Her Apartment
He Left The Bloodstains On
The Carpet
She Ran Underneath The Table
He Could See She Was Unable
So She Ran Into The Bedroom
She Was Struck Down, It Was
Her Doom

Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok, Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok, Are You Ok, Annie

(Annie Are You Ok)
(Will You Tell Us That You're
(There's A Sign In The
(That He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into Your
(He Left The Bloodstains On
The Carpet)
(Then You Ran Into The
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom)

Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
You've Been Hit By
You've Been Hit By-
A Smooth Criminal

So They Came Into The
It Was Sunday-What A Black
Mouth To Mouth Resus-
Sounding Heartbeats-

Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
Annie Are You Ok
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie
Annie Are You Ok

Versuri Michael Jackson - Smooth criminal
de pe
So, Annie Are You Ok
Are You Ok Annie

(Annie Are You Ok)
(Will You Tell Us That You're
(There's A Sign In The
(That He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into Your
(He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)
(Then You Ran Into The
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom)

(Annie Are You Ok)
(So, Annie Are You Ok)
(Are You Ok Annie)
(You've Been Hit By)
(You've Been Struck By-
A Smooth Criminal)

Okay, I Want Everybody To
Clear The Area Right Now!

(Annie Are You Ok)
I Don't Know!
(Will You Tell Us, That
You're Ok)
I Don't Know!
(There's A Sign In The
I Don't Know!
(That He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annie)
I Don't Know!
(He Came Into Your
I Don't Know!
(Left Bloodstains On The
I Don't Know Why Baby!
(Then You Ran Into The
I Don't Know!
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom-Annie!)
(Annie Are You Ok)
Dad Gone It-Baby!
(Will You Tell Us, That
You're Ok)
Dad Gone It-Baby!
(There's A Sign In The
Dad Gone It-Baby!
(That He Struck You-A
Crescendo Annie)
Hoo! Hoo!
(He Came Into Your
Dad Gone It!
(Left Bloodstains On The
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
(Then You Ran Into The
Dad Gone It!
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom-Annïe!)


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Utilizator: stelian001 acum 13 ani si 131 zile

DC> nu a intrat in top???

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Utilizator: stelian001 acum 13 ani si 130 zile

CE frumos!!BRAVO!!

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