Nume: Annika
Varsta: 27
Localitate: Bucharest (i speak english and romanian)
Membru din: acum 15 ani si 365 zile
Nota medie: 9.87981

Hell. My name's Annika and I heard of this site from my friend, Laura. I haven't got A LOT of experience in Art, but I like to draw pictures, especially pictures extremely COLOURFUL and usually, Anime. Come and view my gallery, and, I hope you'll like it. I would like to open a drawing club in my hole profile

My Fave Things (My own life acording to me)


All colours


Reading, Dancing, Singing, etc

Food and drinks

Pizza, ice-cream, water, juice, etc.

Flowers and plants

All flowers and plants


Natural, colourful


All animals, birds, bugs, fish, etc.

My dream job

Anything with English in it (At Cambridge or something like this)

Clubs I am in: RAINBOW Gallery(as AnnikaWhiteAnime), Art_Club, Anime_Cat_Club(as AnnikaWhiteKitten)

Rule for artists: Don't be mean with the others, 'cause they always draw in their style. Maybe sometimes you have more experience than the others, but that's why we were born to learn: to take experience (the life experience)!

Now, about the club: it is called RAINBOW Girls Anime™. If you want to join it, add me on the messenger list (magic_pisicut) and I'll tell u more information about this. Please send me a comment first please to know what are u expecting from my id (cause maybe someebody don't want to enter in this club so pls don't add me if this is true!). U can search for this club with this name: Rainbow Girls Anime!

 Best Friends 4ever in an Anime Form     

Now, good luck you, young or old, new or old, rainbow or others, artists!

Kisses and hugs!

Annika (or Ana-Maria)

Scrie email-ul si parola. Daca nu ai un cont il poti crea aici.
Se poate desena si fara sa ai cont dar nu vei avea posibilitatea sa adaugi comentarii la desene.
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