Susie LaLonde
Nume: kutedymples
Varsta: 94
Localitate: United States
Membru din: acum 16 ani si 130 zile
Nota medie: 9.97697

My name is Susie, I live in the U.S.  I do not know to speak the language here so please bear with me if I make a lot of mistakes.  I just love to draw and found your site rather interesting.  I have made a lot of nice friends here, I think it is the friendliest site on the internet. Thank you for looking at my pictures.


Thank you all for being so nice and making me feel at home here. 

Scrie email-ul si parola. Daca nu ai un cont il poti crea aici.
Se poate desena si fara sa ai cont dar nu vei avea posibilitatea sa adaugi comentarii la desene.
Ordoneaza dupa:
Susie LaLonde
Utilizator: Susie LaLonde acum 13 ani si 260 zile

Very beautiful!

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Susie LaLonde
Utilizator: Susie LaLonde acum 13 ani si 259 zile


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Susie LaLonde
Utilizator: Susie LaLonde acum 13 ani si 259 zile


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Susie LaLonde
Utilizator: Susie LaLonde acum 13 ani si 259 zile

Cute picture!

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Susie LaLonde
Utilizator: Susie LaLonde acum 13 ani si 259 zile


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Susie LaLonde
Utilizator: Susie LaLonde acum 13 ani si 259 zile

Cool drawing!

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Susie LaLonde
Utilizator: Susie LaLonde acum 13 ani si 259 zile

Amazingly beautiful!

Vezi desenul
Susie LaLonde
Utilizator: Susie LaLonde acum 13 ani si 259 zile


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